OpenTR provides open source strategy and guidance for organizations and individuals in Turkey.

As OpenTR, we believe in the power of open source and related initiatives to support development in Turkey, increase collaboration, and create positive social impact.

To harness this power, we provide free and independent documents, data, guidance, and strategies for organizations and individuals.

While we collaborate with an international audience, OpenTR's audience is Turkish personas, and we provide our content in Turkish at this moment.

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New OpenTR's report on open source ecosystem in Turkey, "State of Open Source Contribution in Turkey", is published!

You can reach the report at .


OpenTR works in time-boxed terms to achieve its goals. Each term is 6 months long and has a specific focus area.
  • Term 2023 - 01: (term documentation in Turkish)
    • Focus: Initiation and strategy development of OpenTR
    • Duration: 2023-05-01 to 2023-06-30
    • Setup branding, licenses, processes, and infrastructure
    • Define medium to deliver activities
    • Find and onboard initial volunteers
    • Develop a strategy-to-define-strategy for OpenTR
    • Develop a methodology for OpenTR
  • Term 2023 - 02: (term documentation in Turkish)
    • Focus: Scan useful online material, create first guides and collect data
    • Duration: 2023-07-01 to 2023-12-31
    • Introduction to open source documents in Turkish
    • Set up regular working group meetings
    • Research the resources that can be used for data collection and analysis
    • Initiate the work for survey creation
    • Collect data from GitHub about the state of open source contributions in Turkey
  • Term 2024 - 01: (term documentation in Turkish)
    • Focus: Premier of OpenTR in conferences and events, first surveys, and first guides
    • Duration: 2024-01-01 to 2024-06-30
    • Present OpenTR and existing reports and documents in first set of conferences and events
    • Create first “how to start” guides (temporary guides without any actual data)
    • Conduct first surveys
    • Improve “State of Open Source Contribution in Turkey” report with new charts